9 Airbnb Hosting Checklist Items before renting out your Property!

Airbnb hosting can be an excellent source of additional income if you have the resources needed to do it. By letting someone enjoy the vacation of their dreams, you are providing an incredible service and can make some excellent money at the same time. 

Before you start hosting on Airbnb, it’s important to think about the things that could go wrong.

There are many Airbnb hosting checklist items that need to be considered before you get started. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Verify that you can accept guests on your property.

  2. Have realistic expectations about your hosting schedule.

  3. Make your property appealing to potential guests.

  4. Communicate accordingly with guests.

  5. Perform last-minute cleaning before and after guests.

  6. Ensure the living room is entertainment-friendly.

  7. Prepare the bedroom with a comfortable bed and linens.

  8. Set up the bathroom with complimentary toiletries.

  9. Add cooking essentials to the kitchen for convenience.

In this article, I will provide critical tips to help you prepare your Airbnb rental property with all essential items. Inviting strangers into your spare room, guest house, or rental property can be stressful. This article will help you and your guests have the best possible experience.

Remind Your Guests Why You Provide A 5-Star Experience

1. Verify That You Can Accept Guests on Your Property

If you are currently renting your home or apartment, make sure that you can actually host per the terms of your lease agreement. There is something known as ‘rental arbitrage,’ which refers to leasing a property on a long-term basis and then renting it out on a short-term basis to earn revenue. Many rental properties do not permit it, and Airbnb hosting violates those rules. 

2. Have Realistic Expectations About Your Hosting Schedule

What is your level of commitment to becoming an Airbnb host? There’s nothing wrong with having your Airbnb available only part-time, but you must have realistic expectations regarding the income you’ll generate from the listing. In addition to receiving more bookings from your Airbnb listing, an open availability policy allows you to get more ratings and more money.

3. Make Your Property Appealing to Potential Guests

After ensuring that you can adequately host guests on your property and that you’ve arranged your hosting schedule, you can then move on to marketing your property on Airbnb. The website allows you to take multiple pictures for your listing and highlight its main features. 

Use this to your advantage and take as many photos as possible. If you’re eager to welcome couples, small groups, or large families, take pictures of the bedrooms, bathrooms, and living spaces to appeal to the different types of guests.

You may also want to research nearby attractions and restaurants, so you can include these in your listing to appeal to more visitors.

4. Communicate Accordingly With Guests

After you’ve received your guest’s booking request, Airbnb will send you an email with information about the guest to help you make preparations. You can view their profile along with any reviews or messages they’ve sent before.

Take this time to welcome them and assure them that they’re in good hands staying at your Airbnb listing.

When you decide to become an Airbnb host, you are dedicating yourself to good communication with your potential guests. To be successful, you must:

  • Respond to questions quickly

  • Communicate the listing’s condition effectively

  • Keep a friendly tone

In case you’re the type of person who takes days to respond to a text message, you might want to try changing your habit to make your guests’ stay as pleasant as possible. Quick and efficient communication is key to securing bookings and can also enhance your guest ratings. 

Check out our article on the most popular message examples for hosts.

5. Perform Last-Minute Cleaning Before and After Guests

It’s vital that your property is cleaned before and after each of your bookings and is ready to go for the next round of guests. Leaving behind previous messes from other guests can create an unwelcoming environment for your incoming guests and will make their stay less enjoyable. 

If you want rave reviews, cleaning the property thoroughly is key to enhancing your guests’ experience. 

6. Ensure the Living Room Is Entertainment-Friendly

Most Airbnb guests travel with their families and will tend to spend a lot of time in one spot. This is why it’s important to make the living room more entertaining-friendly for your future Airbnb guests.

The TV, couches or sectional couch, coffee table, and chairs; all play an integral part in how people relax while staying at your Airbnb property. When welcoming visitors into your property, you’ll want to ensure that the interiors are set up for comfort and entertainment. 

Here are some essentials you’ll want your living room to have:

  • A nice, comfortable couch (or two). Think about how you’d feel if you paid good money to go on vacation, only to find a tiny, cheap, uncomfortable couch. Make sure that you invest in a good sofa or two for your Airbnb listing.

  • A coffee table large enough to accommodate multiple guests. If you’re marketing your Airbnb as a great place for friends and family, you’ll want to have a large enough coffee table in your living room. It should be spacious enough to have a few drinks (on coasters) and some snacks without feeling cramped.

  • Board games/puzzles/activities for guests. While your guests typically have planned while staying at an Airbnb, it’s always nice to provide them with some fun activities they can do. Some common examples are board games, puzzles, art supplies, etc.

  • A guest book. A guest book is always a classic touch to an Airbnb. It’s always fun to read the different entries from previous guests and what they did during their stay.

  • Local guide books, including maps, recommendation guides, etc. Similar to a guest book, a local guidebook created by the Airbnb owner is always a lovely touch. These typically include maps, restaurant guides, historical information about the location, local tips, and more.

  • Reliable Wifi. You’ll want to ensure that you have a reliable wifi connection for your guests. Some people may be traveling for work and need a good connection for multiple devices. Looking into network boosting services would be advisable if your Airbnb location is remote.

  • Streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, etc.) Sometimes, all you want to do is Netflix and chill. It is essential to have a smart TV or device that your guests can use to stream their favorite service.

Adding these items to your living room is great for families with young children, couples who want a movie night in, and anyone else who’s looking to relax simply. 

7. Prepare the Bedroom With a Comfortable Bed and Linens

While Airbnb guests typically don’t spend too much time in the bedroom, it’s still important to make sure that they have a nice and comfortable place to sleep. In fact, it’s one of the most important items to consider, and we’ve written about the best mattresses and sheets here.

Having a good Airbnb bed is key for your Airbnb guests’ comfort and enjoyment of their stay, which will lead to higher ratings!

Here are some features you should consider when setting up the bedroom:

  • Bed linens and pillows. Most guests aren’t expecting luxury sheets and pillows when going to an Airbnb, but ensure they are warm and comfortable and have replacements available for your guests.

  • A nice bed. Again, your guests probably aren’t expecting a luxurious mattress. However, having a good bed for your Airbnb guests will give a lasting impression.

  • Universal chargers for devices. The age-old problem traveling and arriving at your destination only to find that you left your chargers at home. Having a universal charger for your guests will give your listing that extra charm.

  • Alarm clock. Early to bed, early to rise. Having an alarm clock available to you when traveling is a classic expectation.

  • Bathrobe. Don’t lie; you always use the bathrobe provided in a hotel room, resort, or Airbnb. Having a plush robe available offers extra comfort and helps your guests relax.

  • Clothing rack or closet. This is especially important for those offering extended stays at their Airbnb listing. Having the ability to hang up your clothes is a welcome convenience when traveling.

When you take the time to make the bedroom extra comfortable, your guests will truly appreciate it when they wake up refreshed every morning during their stay on your property.

8. Set Up the Bathroom With Complimentary Toiletries

The bathroom is just as important as the bedroom. Keeping the bathroom clean and stocked with toiletries and towels will make it easier for your guests to access it when they need to.

We’ve also written about the best toiletries and towels to use, but here are some items to keep in mind when setting up your bathroom:

  • Disposable toiletries (you’ll want to order these in bulk). This is a big one! Having quality disposable toiletries, such as shampoos, conditioners, and body washes, is something your guests will expect of you.

  • Towels (at least two per guest). Have as many plushies and nice towels available to your guests as feasible. A good rule of thumb is to have at least two towels available per guest checking in.

  • Hand and face towels (at least two per guest). Similar to the above, having hand and face towels is essential, as well.

  • A mirror with pleasing lighting surrounding. Having a mirror with good lighting surrounding it is critical! Your guests might need to do their makeup and get ready, and having a place to do it is essential.

  • Hairdryer. This is another thing people always tend to forget when traveling. Having a hairdryer is super convenient for your guests and allows you to charge an extra $10/day on your listing.

  • Plenty of toilet paper. A no-brainer. Give your guests toilet paper. Keep the extra rolls in an easily accessible place so your guests can find them without issue.

  • Hygiene products (tampons, pads, etc.). You never know when you’ll need these, and sometimes it’s something that your guests don’t know they’ll require until that dreaded moment hits. Provide them with a supply of quality hygiene products so they don’t have to run to the store.

If you have more than one bathroom on the property, be sure that all of your bathrooms are set up and ready to go with equal amenities, so your guests get maximum comfort, no matter which bathroom they use.

9. Add Cooking Essentials to the Kitchen for Convenience

The kitchen is where many Airbnb hosts make their money. You might want to consider making the kitchen, especially welcoming for your guests, so they feel safe cooking in there when you are not around.

Your kitchen should be arranged in a way that makes it simple for your guests to cook a meal, make coffee, or lounge around. 

Here are some amenities you should consider including in your kitchen setup:

  • Coffee pot or kettle with coffee and tea. If I could write an entire blog about the importance of a coffee pot or kettle with an ample supply of tea and coffee, I would. It’s that important. Your guests will judge you if you don’t provide them with their morning caffeine.

  • A well-maintained oven. You can’t eat out all the time! Especially for long-term Airbnb rentals, having a well-maintained oven is essential.

  • Microwave oven. Perfect for those late-night munchie meals or for guests who brought leftovers back, having a microwave oven at your Airbnb is a nice touch.

  • Oven mitts, potholders, etc. If you have a kitchen in your Airbnb listing, you’ll also want to provide the proper kitchen essentials, such as oven mitts, potholders, and the like.

  • Primary spice selection (salt, pepper, oregano, basil, etc.). You do not think about which spices you’ll need to buy when going to an Airbnb. Having an excellent selection of herbs available for your guests to cook with is a pleasant surprise.

  • Large selection of utensils and cutlery. This might seem obvious, but it has the quality and plentiful utensils and cutlery. Nothing is worse than opening the drawer and finding dull knives, a couple of forks, or plastic utensils.

  • Plenty of plates, bowls, and cups. Similar to the above, make sure you have available plates, bowls, and cups.

When you add these features to your kitchen, your guests will know you went the extra mile to make their stay even more enjoyable.

Final Thoughts

Airbnb hosting can be a little overwhelming, especially for Airbnb hosts who are new to the concept. Airbnb guests expect top-notch amenities and an immaculate space–no matter how long their stay is.

If you’re considering becoming an Airbnb host but feel like there are still some things missing from your listing, take a look at this checklist of 9 crucial Airbnb hosting items that all Airbnb properties should have in order to maximize guest enjoyment during their stay.

These tips will help ensure that every part of your property is organized and functional so that when people come into it, they’ll immediately know they’ve made a good decision by booking with you!

Vittorio Grasso Jr

I’m Vittorio Grasso Jr. (call me VJ)

I see myself more as a Travel Photographer, enchanted by Mother Nature’s Beauty as well as passionate about Landscapes and Portraits since I have traveled and worked in many countries over the years.

I'm that kind of person enthusiast of all things that involve creativity.

Years ago, I got intrigued by the 360° Photography and Video and VR, today 360° Virtual Tours are my foremost business.

I am a GOOGLE Certified professional photographer.

I enjoy sharing my knowledge and connect with people from all over the world.

Check out my Instagram and connect with me.

Don’t hesitate to contact me for anything you’ll need to know.


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