10 Best Airbnb Welcome Gifts that will impress your Guests!

When you are a host on Airbnb, one of the best ways to impress your guests is with a thoughtful welcome gift. Sure, you could just give them the keys and send them on their merry way, but why not go the extra mile and make them feel welcome?

In fact, in our experience, when we provided a welcome gift to our guests, they often told us that it was one of the best Airbnb experiences they’ve ever had! And the best part is that your welcome gift doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated – it can be something as simple as a handwritten note or a basket of local snacks.

To help give you some ideas, we’ve put together a list of the best Airbnb welcome gifts that we’ve come across. Trust us, your guests will be impressed!

Remind Your Guests Why You Provide A 5-Star Experience

Why Giving A Welcome Gift Is Important

There used to be a time when Airbnb was a novelty, and all you needed in order to be successful was to figure out how to make a listing for your property.

Times have changed.

Now, over six million properties are listed on Airbnb, and the competition is stiff. Not only are you directly competing with hotels in your area, but you’re also competing with other Airbnb hosts who are offering a similar experience.

So how do you stand out from the competition and ensure that your guests have a fantastic experience?

One way is to give them a welcome gift.

Providing a welcome gift for your guests is by no means required, but it is a nice gesture that can really make them feel at home. After all, when you’re staying in someone’s home, it’s always nice to feel like you’re being welcomed with open arms instead of being an interloper.

Think about it from your guests’ perspective – would you rather stay in an impersonal rental where you don’t feel like you belong or in a homey rental where the hosts have taken the time to make you feel welcome? We’re guessing you would go for the latter option!

In addition to making your guests feel more at home, welcome gifts can also be a great way to start off your relationship with them on the right foot. After all, first impressions are important, and you want your guests to have a good one!

This is because it helps set the tone for a relaxing and enjoyable stay. If your guests feel they are being treated well from the start, they will be more likely to have a positive overall experience.

And depending on how you craft your welcome gift, what you decide to provide really says a lot about you and can help your guests get to know you better. For example, if you’re a foodie, you may want to include some local snacks or goodies in your welcome basket.

Plus, if you’re hoping to get great reviews and repeat guests, then going the extra mile with a welcome gift is definitely the way to go.

Here are the 10 best Airbnb welcome gifts that are always a smash hit with guests!

10 Best Welcome Gifts To Give Your Guests

The gifts you choose may vary depending on the type of property you have. This is especially true if your property is priced very low and you have very little room for margin. However, there are some gifts that are universally loved by all and sure to make a great impression!

Here are our top picks:

Bottle of Wine

A classic welcome gift that is always appreciated, a bottle of wine is perfect for guests who enjoy unwinding with a glass (or two) at the end of a long day. If you’re not sure what type of wine to get, opt for a local variety or something middle-of-the-road like a Sauvignon Blanc or Merlot.

Obviously, you want to make sure you aren’t providing alcohol to minors, so if you’re unsure about your guests’ ages, it’s best to skip this one. However, if you’re guests are over the age of 25, then you should be in the clear.

One tip is to personalize the wine instead of grabbing any old bottle from the grocery store. This can be done by “white labeling” a local bottle of wine or even just adding a cute label with your guests’ names on it. This small touch will really make them feel special and appreciated.

Cheese and Crackers

Available on Amazon

This is a great gift for guests who love to entertain or enjoy a little snack before bed. Plus, it’s easy to find high-quality cheese and crackers at your local grocery store, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money on this one.

If you want to get really creative, you can put together a charcuterie board with some of your favorite local meats, cheeses, and fruits. This is a great way to show off your region’s best offerings and give your guests a little taste of what they can expect during their stay.

Homemade Baked Goods

Available on Amazon

Who doesn’t love fresh baked goods? Whether it’s cookies, muffins, or bread, this welcome gift is sure to please. If you’re not much of a baker, no worries! You can easily pick up some pre-made goodies at your local bakery.

Just be sure to avoid anything with nuts, as many people have allergies. And if you’re worried about your guests’ waistlines, opt for something on the healthier side, like granola bars or fruit.

A guest favorite in our experience is Snickerdoodles. Not only are they delicious, but they are extremely easy to make. Just be sure to double-check the recipe, as some versions can be a bit finicky.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Available on Amazon

If your property is on the romantic side, then chocolate-covered strawberries are a great way to welcome your guests. This is a classic treat that is sure to impress, and it’s something that can be easily found at your local grocery store, made at home, or purchased online.

Local Souvenir or Trinket

If you want your guests to remember their stay long after leaving, consider giving them a local souvenir or trinket. This could be anything your area is known for, such as locally made pottery, a t-shirt from a local band, or even a keychain with your city’s name.

If you’re not sure what to get, try asking a friend or family member who lives in the area. They’ll be able to point you in the right direction and help you find something that your guests will love.

Local Gift Card or Coupon

Available on Amazon

We have never had a guest complain about getting a gift card or coupon because, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love free stuff? We recommend visiting local businesses, restaurants, cafes, museums, and activity centers. Just be sure to get a card or coupon for a place your guests are interested in.

If you search your area and speak to the local business owners, you’ll find some willing to strike a deal that’s beneficial for both parties. For example, you could get a buy one get one free coupon for your guests or even just a small discount. Either way, this is a win-win for everyone involved.

Local Coffee or Tea

This is a great gift for guests who need their morning cup of coffee or tea. You can either purchase some locally roasted beans or leaves or go the extra mile and make your own little care package.

To do this, simply buy some reusable filters and fill them with your favorite coffee or tea. Then, include a note with brewing instructions and maybe even a little treat like chocolate or biscuit.

This is a thoughtful and practical gift that your guests are sure to appreciate. Plus, it’s something that they can take home with them and enjoy long after their stay is over.

Tickets To An Event or Attraction

If you want to give your guests a truly unique experience, then get them tickets to an event or attraction in your area. This could be anything from a concert or play to a guided tour of a local landmark. Some places don’t have much in the way of entertainment, so this is a great way to help direct your guests to things going on in the area.

This is another area where you might be able to find businesses willing to cut you a deal for the exposure to their event or attraction. So it’s definitely worth asking around and seeing what you can find.

Toiletries Basket

Available on Amazon

While it’s good to provide toiletries for your guests, you can make it stand out by providing a gift basket of toiletries instead of just the basics. This way, your guests will feel like they’re being pampered and cared for, and it’s a great way to show them that you pay attention to detail.

You can find toiletries baskets at most home goods stores or make your own. In fact, we recommend buying in bulk so that you can put together an entire package for very cheap.

Travel Mug

Available on Amazon

This is a great gift for guests who are always on the go. A travel mug is something that they can take with them wherever they go, and it’s a practical way to show them that you’re thinking of them.

There are tons of different styles and designs to choose from, so you should be able to find one that fits your guests’ personalities. You can also have them engraved with a special message or your own logo so that they are reminded of your property every time they use it.

How To Choose The Right Gift For Your Guests

Now it’s your turn to put together a welcome gift that your guests will love. Because every property and location is different, it’s important to tailor your gifts to the specific needs of your guests. Some factors that you should consider when choosing a welcome gift are:

Welcome Book

No matter what kind of property you have, providing a welcome book is a great way to give your guests all the information they need in one place. This book should include your contact information, local attractions, and other important details about your property.

Done correctly, a well-designed welcome book shows that you are a professional host and makes a great reminder that your property is worth a 5-star review. You can either build it from scratch or use one of our templates to create one.

We recommend printing out a physical copy with a service like Vista Print and emailing your guests a digital copy before their stay. This way, they can access it from their phone or tablet while they’re on the go.

Type of Property

The type of welcome gifts you provide should be different depending on the type of property you have. For example, if you have a luxury vacation rental, you might want to provide higher-end gifts like wine or a gift certificate to a local spa. On the other hand, if you have a more budget-friendly property, you can still provide thoughtful gifts without breaking the bank.

In our experience, the more margin you have to work with, the more you can get creative with your welcome gifts. But at the end of the day, it’s more important to focus on providing something that your guests will appreciate and remember rather than going over the top.

Type of Guests

Does your Airbnb cater to business travelers, families, or solo adventurers? The type of guests you have will also dictate the type of gifts you provide. For example, business travelers might appreciate a travel mug or welcome book with local restaurants and attractions. Families might appreciate a basket of snacks and games for the kids. And solo adventurers might appreciate a map of the area and tips for things to do.

What Your Area Is Known For

We used to live in an area that was well renowned for its local wineries. So naturally, we would include a bottle of local wine in our welcome gifts. Now we live in an area that is known for summer-time crabbing, so we include a guide on how to crab and some crabbing gear in our welcome gifts.

You can use this same logic when choosing gifts for your guests. If your area is known for its coffee, consider including a bag of local beans or a gift certificate to a local cafe. If it’s known for its hiking trails, consider including a hiking guide or map of the area.

Reasons Guests Book With You

Sometimes you might have a rental in a location that attracts guests for many different reasons. One day they can be in town for a wedding, and the next, they can be attending a local conference. When this is the case, you can’t necessarily tailor your gifts to one specific type of guest. Instead, you should focus on providing general and useful gifts for all types of guests.

However, if you frequently get guests that book your rental for the same reason (e.g., attending a local conference), you can tailor your gifts to their specific needs. For example, if you know that many of your guests will be attending a conference, you could include a list of nearby restaurants and coffee shops and information on public transportation.

How Long Your Guests Are Staying

The length of your guests’ stay will also dictate the type of gifts you provide. For example, if they’re staying for a week or longer, you might want to include a toiletries basket that has all the essentials they might need. If they’re only staying for a few days, you can still provide them with useful items, but you don’t need to go overboard.

The length of their stay will also provide you with the budget to work with when it comes to your welcome gifts. If they’re staying for a week, you might be able to splurge on a higher-end gift. But if they’re only staying for a few days, you’ll want to stick to something more budget-friendly.

Examples of Successful Welcome Gift Packages

Now that we’ve gone over some of the factors you should consider when choosing welcome gifts for your guests, let’s take a look at a few examples of successful welcome gift packages that should give you some ideas for your own (or you can copy ours).

The Three Budgeteers

If you want to start providing welcome gifts but are on a tight budget, this is the package for you. You can usually find these items on sale or at a discount store. Cost-effective items that are sure to impress:

  • A mug filled with local snacks and goodies

  • A guide of things to do in the area

  • A handwritten note welcoming them to your home

The Adventurer’s Package

This package is best suited for guests staying for a week or longer and looking to explore the area. It includes:

  • A hiking guide

  • A map of the area

  • Water flask filled with mixed nuts and trail mix

  • A book about the local flora and fauna

Lampooner’s Family Vacation

Vacation with a family can sometimes be challenging, especially if you’re trying to please everyone. This package is designed with families in mind and includes:

  • A board game

  • A list of family-friendly activities in the area

  • A $25 gift certificate to a local restaurant

The Mad Health-Hatter

There are nuts, and then there are health nuts. If you know someone that eats their veggies raw, does 20 miles per day on their bike, shames you about drinking wine, and can talk your ear off about their latest cleanse, then you know who I’m talking about. It includes:

  • A basket filled with healthy snacks

  • A gift card for a local health food store

  • A list of local hiking trails

The Couples Corner

If you’ve got a property that attracts a lot of couples coming for their anniversary or just a romantic weekend getaway, this is the package for you. It includes:

  • A bottle of wine

  • A box of chocolates

  • A list of nearby romantic restaurants

  • Scented candles

  • Tickets to a local event or movie

The Business Traveler’s Best Friend

This package is best for business travelers who are always on the go and don’t have time to enjoy the amenities your city offers. Usually, these people are in town for a conference or meeting and are only staying for a few days. The package includes:

  • A bottle of wine

  • A list of nearby restaurants

  • A travel mug filled with snacks

  • A $25 gift certificate to a local coffee shop

Tips For Reducing Costs of Your Welcome Gift

Of course, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on your welcome gifts. There are plenty of ways to reduce costs and still provide your guests with a memorable experience. In fact, if you make the right relationships with local businesses, you’ll be able to put together really nice welcome gifts for as little as $10-20/each, including gift cards and branded merchandise.

Here are a few tips:

Buy Wholesale

Depending on the store, you can find many wholesale opportunities that will sell you items in bulk at a fraction of the retail price. This is a great way to get things like wine, chocolates, coffee, and more. In most cases, you will need to show your business license and open up an account with them to get the wholesale pricing.

Buy In Bulk

You will usually get the best deals whenever possible the more you buy. This is especially true with things like wine, coffee, and snacks. Many stores will offer significant discounts if you purchase a large number of items from them, even if they don’t offer any wholesale pricing.

One of the benefits of buying in bulk is that you’ll be able to quickly put together many welcome gift packages without having to make frequent trips to the store.

Reuse and Repurpose

If you have any items around the house that you no longer use or need, consider putting them to good use by including them in your welcome gifts. This could be anything from an unused coffee mug to a scented candle. You can also look for ways to repurpose items to make them more suitable for a welcome gift. For example, you could take an empty wine bottle and fill it with locally made honey.

Find Partners

Believe it or not, if you run an Airbnb business long enough, you’ll start to develop relationships with local businesses. If you frequently send your guests to a certain restaurant, they might be willing to give you a discount or even provide you with a gift card at no cost to you. The same goes for other businesses like spas, golf courses, etc.

Businesses are always looking for ways to promote their business, and your short-term rental is a perfect opportunity for them to do so. By partnering with local businesses, you can provide your guests with a truly unique experience while also reducing the costs of your welcome gifts.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are many different options for choosing the best Airbnb welcome gifts for your guests. It really all depends on your budget, what your area is known for, and the type of guests you typically have. If you take the time to personalize your gifts and make them unique to your city, you’ll be sure to impress your guests and create a lasting impression.

Happy gifting!

Vittorio Grasso Jr

I’m Vittorio Grasso Jr. (call me VJ)

I see myself more as a Travel Photographer, enchanted by Mother Nature’s Beauty as well as passionate about Landscapes and Portraits since I have traveled and worked in many countries over the years.

I'm that kind of person enthusiast of all things that involve creativity.

Years ago, I got intrigued by the 360° Photography and Video and VR, today 360° Virtual Tours are my foremost business.

I am a GOOGLE Certified professional photographer.

I enjoy sharing my knowledge and connect with people from all over the world.

Check out my Instagram and connect with me.

Don’t hesitate to contact me for anything you’ll need to know.


Best Gifts for AirBnB Hosts (Our Top 10 Picks)